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You are here: UCT PragueFET → Studies → PhD studies in English

PhD studies in English

The Faculty of Environmental Technology (FET) offers postgraduate education.

FET is also involved in Doctoral Double Degree programmes, further details can be found on special page.

Detailed admissions information for UCT Prague

Study programmes

Updated: 25.3.2022 13:37, Author: Jan Kříž

FETConditions of Study in Doctoral Study Programmes - Faculty of Environmental Technology10.10.2023

UCT Prague
5 Technická
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461337
VAT: CZ60461373

Data mail: sp4j9ch

Copyright UCT Prague 2017
Informations provided by Department of International Relations, Department of R&D, technical service by Computer Centre
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