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Environmental Chemistry and Technology (double degree)

Environmental Chemistry and Technology (double degree)

Joint study programme with foreign universities - two diplomas for one study.


The aim of the Ph.D. study programme is to train experts with deep knowledge of environmental and related chemical and biochemical disciplines, informatics and mathematical modelling. Ph.D. studies build on this foundation and deepen knowledge in wide scale of environmental areas such as: analytical methods for monitoring the of water and air quality and soil contamination; technologies for drinking water production, wastewater treatment; sludge treatment, solid waste management and soil decontamination technologies; removal of air pollutants. An important part of the study is also the prevention of all forms of waste, recycling and recovery as renewable resources. Students are trained in solution of complex research projects.


Alumni of the doctoral study programme Environmental Chemistry and Technology will acquire extensive theoretical and especially practical experimental knowledge and skills in the field of environmental protection technologies focused on protection of water, air and waste treatment and recycling. They are able to apply effectively this knowledge and skills in practice. Alumni can obtain and process the latest scientific information from the world electronic databases, can independently plan research activities, design and conduct experiments, evaluate the results obtained and prepare their own valuable publications and presentations in both Czech and English. Alumni are able to formulate new scientific hypotheses and to prepare proposals for their study in the form of grant projects. Alumni also have experience in teaching activities in the context of engaging in the undergraduate and master studies. The graduate extends his / her managerial skills within the framework of consulting activities, which he / she provides to students during the preparation of their bachelor and master theses. Graduates find employment in research, education, design and other institutions, in state administration from local environmental departments to ministries. They will also find employment as managers and technologists of companies operating water, waste and energy infrastructure and in industrial companies.

Programme Details

Study Language English
Standard study length 4 years
Form of study combined , full-time
Guarantor prof. Ing. Jan Bartáček, Ph.D.
Place of study Praha
Capacity 15 students
Programme code (national) P0712D130007
Programme Code (internal) ADD201
Number of Ph.D. topics 1

Ph.D topics for previous study year

System for remote monitoring of grey water reuse

Granting Departments: KU Leuven, Belgium
Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
Supervisor: prof. Ing. Jan Bartáček, Ph.D.
Prof. Bart Van der Bruggen, PhD


One of the main obstacles to the use of treated gray water (i.e. water from bathrooms or washing machines) is the missing method for automatic detection of contamination in the treated waste water. As a result, it is not possible to use recycled water where there is a higher risk of end users exposure to the water contaminated with pathogens (e.g. washing machines, cleaning floors etc.). In this project, we will develop an early warning system that will automatically detect disturbances in gray water treatment technology and especially the penetration of pathogenic organisms into the recovered water.
Contact supervisor Study place: Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, FET, VŠCHT Praha
Updated: 25.3.2022 13:38, Author: Jan Kříž

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