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Forms of Study at the Faculty of Environmental Technology 

The Faculty of Environmental Technology offers the following forms of study:



In five-year MSc study programs, the first three years of study are based on the core subjects which are common to all UCT faculties. The core subjects include mathematics, physics, general and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, and computer equipment. All UCT faculties require about the same extent of lectures, seminars, and laboratory practice in the core subjects.

In the subsequent two years of study, instruction is focused on the explanation of the principles of chemical and technological processes, and on expanding students' knowledge of these processes. The aim is to teach students how to apply theoretical knowledge of the core subjects to the solution of specific problems in technological practice and in creative research activities. The study of chemical technology is supplemented with subjects whose knowledge is considered inevitable for practice in the area of environmental protection and in the fuel processing industry.
The three-year BSc study program runs parallel to MSc study programs.

University graduates may apply, through a contest, for three-year Ph.D. study programs which are concluded with a state doctoral examination and the defense of a dissertation.

The presented survey lists all study programs and individual subprogrammes and fields of specialization taught at the Faculty. All subprogrammes taught within MSc study programs are accredited by the Federation of European National Associations of Engineers (FEANI), which allows for the award of the title Eur.Ing.

The Faculty has currently about 450 students in MSc study programs and 100 Ph.D. students.

Updated: 19.8.2022 12:28, Author: Lucie Pokorná

UCT Prague
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166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
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Copyright UCT Prague 2017
Informations provided by Department of International Relations, Department of R&D, technical service by Computer Centre
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